The whole functionality relies on predefined gear ranges.
The software is comparing the live gear sensor against these gear ranges each crank revolution and decides whether to cut power or not.
Tight gear definitions allow very low engagement force to minimize gearbox and shift fork wear.
In order to enable smooth shifting with the clutch, the QS is inactive below the configured TPS threshold.
The software was entirely created from scratch
No parts were copied from the 2023+ KTM software!
This is to ensure the QS is working reliable and exactly as specified.
In-Gear ranges Out-Of-Gear ranges
Free configurable gear ranges
Configurable throttle position threshold
Very low engagement force
No false neutrals
No time-based configuration
No additional hardware or aftermarket ecu neccessary
Unability to load the engine/gearbox when gear not engaged correctly
Failsafe in case gear sensor unplugged / failed
No additional hardware
Toggle custom / stock qs
Configure QS (tps threshold, gear ranges and more)
Move the range-slider to simulate a gear sensor input.
In general this modification is possible to all 4 stroke KTM/Husqvarna and GasGas competition bikes using the gear position sensor